Monday, June 4, 2012


For those of you who know me, you know I like oatmeal a lot.  For those of you who know me really well, you'll know I eat my oatmeal items cold----I can't stand hot oatmeal, don't ask why!  I try to eat it more mornings than not, so I try to mix up the flavors.  Here's some that I make; I simply stir in the ingredients into plain, cooked, old-fashioned oats. I also usually add a spoonful of ground flaxseed with all the varieties.  ( I always make mine the night before and refrigerate for the next morning so it's cold.) 

Apple Cinnamon:Stir in unsweetened applesauce and a dash of cinnamon.  Sometimes I add diced apple too.

Stir in chopped, dried apricots, a little coconut (sweetened or unsweetened), and a spoonful of almond or peanut butter.

Berry Nutty:
Stir in a handful of berries and a spoonful of almond or peanut butter. 

Banana Nut:
Stir in mashed banana and chopped walnuts.

Peanut Butter Banana:
Stir in mashed banana and peanut butter.  Can even add coconut.

Pumpkin Pie:
Stir in pureed pumpkin, cinnamon, and a little honey.  I usually add a splash of cream/milk (or even whip cream if it's the holidays).  Good with chopped walnuts, too.

My Favorite:
Stir in dried cranberries, scoop of peanut butter, and a handful of coconut.

Stir in diced apricots and a spoonful of Nutella.

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